Friday, July 23, 2010

A couple of "out there" looks that may inspire you....or not! lol

Make-up is suposed to be are two pics of me having a play around. Excuse the horrible stray eyebrow hairs in the first photo, I was being quite lazy.....euwwww!! lol I also remember taking this pic in macro and I think the lighting just zoomed in on them.

This pic below is just a riot of colours with a double winged eyeliner...makes it look like a
egyptian on LSD!! lol

The rhinestones on my false eyelashes caught the light just beautifully in this pic....

A blue eyeshadow has just been packed on over a cut bit of an old fishnet stocking to get that effect.Simple huh!!??

1 comment:

  1. Love the top one; very colourful, looks like a great party look!
